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Watercolor Shape

King David is the person to look up to when it comes to bravery. God himself said he was a man after his [Gods] Heart, so what does that mean? It means that DAVID KNEW where to go in the middle of struggles, in the middle of pain, in the middle of confusion. David had to learn where his provision came from, he had to learn whom to trust and he had to learn where to go when he needed to rest.


These next couple of days you’ll be learning how to be brave with these Psalms that have BRAVERY written in between each word.

Watercolor Shape
Ripped Cardboard



Ripped Tape


Ripped Tape

Psalm 1:1-3

Psalm 23


Psalm 32

Psalm 42

Psalm 18

Psalm 25

Psalm 40

Psalm 62

Psalm 89


Psalm 91


Psalm 107

Psalm 112

Psalm 118

Psalm 121

Psalm 20

Psalm 27

Psalm 41

Psalm 71

Psalm 103


Psalm 116

Psalm 136

Psalm 143




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